Removed from the ocean and now immortalized in a college classroom, this shell was appreciated once more, softly enfolded in reflections of indigo and soft hues of both warm and cool colors.

I was drawn into the luscious warmth of color in these flowers, reminded of the hues that my mother loved, and connected to her appreciation for beauty. Such gifts we are presented with in nature's unending palette.

This photograph was taken following a long morning walk, in which I discovered a large pod, caught in a fence. Mesmerized, I took macro photos of the many perspectives of the pod, seeds, and changing light and focus. It was like a dandelion that was gigantic, full of seeds that were in various stages of detaching from the pod's core. They appeared to be preparing for the journey which the wind would carry them on, much like letting go that happens over and over again in our lives.

Struck by the mysterious light surrounding such delicate form, I was drawn to the repetition of shape that emerged in the unfolding of evening. I was reminded of the support that we provide one another, and together, we are stronger.

Nature offers a multitude of perfect sculpture and color, in the tiniest of details. There are not enough words to describe the beauty, and oftentimes, all I can do is breathe it in...

These wings were found in the drawer of a biology building in a nearby college, where they must have been waiting for years for rediscovery. I love the negative shapes that are left around the patterned wings, as they draw me in, beckoning to follow their path of flight...

Greeted by the stunning beauty of orchids in a greenhouse overflowing with intoxicating scent and delicate form, I found myself lost in the patterns, buttery-soft texture, and velvety petals, anxious to express their loveliness through encaustic. Like orchids, we can also be fragile in form, yet capable of great strength from within.
This photograph was the foundation for the sculpture by this name, in my encaustic/mixed media gallery.

Walking along in silence, I came upon this carpet of delicate plant life, inches from the ground. They looked almost human-like, with arms outstretched-- interconnected, yet separate, beings. How like community they are, made more lovely by their formations with each other.

Coming upon the soft light surrounding these greens shoots, the energy of new growth was almost palpable. Delicate in their new beginnings, they are surrounded by the light necessary for them to grow into maturity. Surely, there are lessons from this life on our planet.

This nautilus beckoned for me to come close and take in its depth of form, pattern, and texture as it lay stored in the drawer of a biology building. I felt happy to experience the stunning nature of this relic, and to be able to preserve its simplicity and beauty.