This morning, I am so happy to announce that the NEW Spring 2016 Issue of Encaustic Arts is now available (For NEW subscribers, Click to Register Now! ) for online viewing. I am so honored to be featured in this magazine, alongside 7 talented prominent encaustic artists.
Encaustic Arts Magazine is published online semi-annually by The Encaustic Art Institute. The first and only international magazine about encaustic, it features the most important news about the medium. Issues are filled with articles on encaustic/wax artists, info on techniques, tools, materials & exhibitions. Best of all, the magazine is FREE!
With this issue, we highlight a new TECHNIQUE feature article written by JERRY MCLAUGHLIN on cold wax medium. Artist MICHELLE HAYDEN's encaustic mixed media piece, Quiet Emergence is ourSpring 2016 cover (photo, Bob Bagley).
Writing this article was a growthful and challenging experience for me, and I spent much time reflecting on what it is that inspires and drives me to make art, how I have come to love working with beeswax, and why this medium's ability to transform my work is so important. I did much soul-searching on these sharings, and realized that presenting the wider angle is integral to who I am and to my art. Living takes courage, as does sharing vulnerable parts of oneself, but I truly believe that it helps us all be more whole when we can share in this way... and it enables us to connect with each other, which surely is part of our purpose here on earth.
I immersed myself in reading the other artists' profiles and stories of how they came to be where they are, and soaked up their insight, experience, and beautiful photos of their work. I was moved by the dedication to their art, and awed by their unique ways of expressing themselves through image and word. I feel privileged to be featured with them, and thankful to have been exposed to their work.
I am especially grateful to the founders of Encaustic Art Institue, Douglas and Adrienne Mehrens, and editor, Kari Gorden, who put incredible time and effort into supporting encaustic artists worldwide, and in promoting artists through their magazine, gallery, and teaching. Doug shared in his editorial comment of the magazine that people in over 29 countries across the world have opened this magazine, showing how the interest and love of encaustic is spreading. How exciting is that?
I also wanted to share a new piece I just completed, which came together in a totally different way than I had anticipated, which is often the case. It took me many hours of trying to make it work they way I had envisioned it, only to realize that I needed to see the resistance as a sign to change the whole form... and of course, when I let that happen, it all came together into a cohesive piece. I then was able to enjoy the flow of making this vessel, and feel a sense of protectiveness about it, as if it is a rare seed pod found on the forest floor (quite a large one!).
"Propagate", (13 x 17 x 11 inches), 2016
Once again, I conclude with offering much appreciation for the love of my family, friends, and fellow artists, whose interchange of support, inspiration, and encouragement makes it possible to express our lives in so many ways. Being part of this tribe is such a privilege...