It is hard to believe that another week has gone by-- and that the circle continues to roll on... I have been so grateful for the positive feedback that has come since sharing a bit of this process last Sunday, and feel enriched and inspired to continue the paintings and the sharing of words. The circulation of observations, interpretations, and personal meanings back and forth is so enlivening!
I have been thrilled to hear from many who are either beginning or returning to a practice of using art for daily reflection, exploration, and regneration. It is gratifying to know that by sharing our process with each other, that we all take away what we most need from that connection and opening of possibility.
Below, I share the past week's circles, as well as the contemplations that went through my mind as I painted them. I found myself using them as open space to bring forth emotions that may not yet risen to the surface, as well as safe vessels to hold some which were seeking expression. It was interesting to see what these colors and shapes brought forth for others, widening my perception further...
("Happy Sunday morning to everyone... hope you can spend it surrounded by what you love.")
("Feeling deeply this morning the power of being impacted by each other, feeling for and with each other through feelings of joy, wonder, grief, despair, and everything in between. Life takes each of us down different paths, some shared dirt, and some obstacles we will never have to cross. I am grateful we can offer each other love, presence, compassion, and gentle holding, and affirm each person who steps onto our paths.")
("How do we remain open to what we need to feel and heal, and give ourselves the permission to pull back when we need respite? Thankful that it is never too late to learn new ways of discovering healing for ourselves and each other.")
("Painting on the windowsill of a hotel this morning, I just let myself play in the paint after a long day yesterday... grateful for movement, light, color, and a new day. Wishing you moments of playfulness in your day...")
("Being with shades of color that I do not often paint with, but which bring me comfort in my mind... sending this solace out to those of you in need today. Wrap yourselves in that which brings softness and soothing where it hurts, and know you are not alone.")
("Aware that I continue to be drawn to be painting opposites on the color wheel, I pondered why... perhaps it is because I am continually working on balancing my own extremes—outward and inward energy, patience and impatience, gentle and critical, peace and anger, trust and fear, joy and sadness... the list goes on :). Today I will be mindful that all are part of being human, and that gently being with these polarities will allow me to learn from them and offer myself and others more grace in their being.")
("Appreciating walking with the dog without a flashlight under the light of the full moon this morning, reflecting on the sacred spaces we can sink into... those visible from the surface , and those we hold beneath. Wishing sacred energy to all of you this weekend, in whatever way you most deeply experience the transcendent.")
It is wonderful to find unexpected gifts in this sense of interconnectedness. I look forward to a new week, and wish you all goodness, strength, and renewal in the coming days... thank you all for following along with me in this journey! My heart is full :).