This week began with a painting filled with a swirl of energy, which ended up becoming a pretty accurate depiction of the kind of week it turned into…
(Awakening to melted snow replaced by sparkles of frost heavily blanketing the earth, my heart felt alive as my ears soaked up the clear and vibrant songs of birds, and my eyes took in the rainbows of light created by the rising sun dancing off the crystal-glazed blades of grass. Grateful for these small moments of being with what is, and soaking it up to store for later moments when that purity of essence is needed...)
Fueled by a workshop by Julie Bogart of Bravewriter, a language arts based program we have enjoyed and been fortified by for years, was a great start to the week. The title alone, “brave writer”, gave me the courage to begin writing this blog 3 years ago, and has holistically fueled our family in our homeschooling journey. Being with Julie's inspiring and experienced self in person, along with many members of our homeschool learning co-op, was an invigorating way to begin the week and to gain energy to carry throughout the rest of our school year and into the next...
(Most mornings I just want to sink into the paint pans, and plant the color onto the paper... not thinking, but just immersing myself in the intensity of pigment. I have always been deeply affected by color, and in awe of its presence wherever I look, especially nature. Wishing you all a vibrant and colorful start to your week on this grey Monday morning!)
Several experiences presented themselves that have underscored the positivity of living in community with others who offer support, life experience, perspective, and sustenance during this unique and relatively short period of time of raising our children.
(Questioning what draws me to encapsulate colors with white, I realize it is because the space creates room for the color to be complete without touching any other color, and that this containment is soothing. I wonder how we might apply this concept to different parts of our lives that need space to breathe, room to be while they are healing and growing, respected for what each part contributes to the whole...)
(Struck this morning by the brightness of stars after so many cloud-covered dawns, I smiled. How easy it is to forget that we are made of stars, both literally, and metaphorically. I feel so grateful for profound reminders like this, connecting us to the wider Universe, one another, and ourselves...)
And I have been moved beyond words by experiencing a day that was life-changing in its scope, and whose lessons will always be with us. I am grateful to be on the other side of that day, fully aware that every single day is a gift.
(Steeped in gratitude this morning for the gift of second chances, and for friends who look out for each other and find courage to act. So very aware of the fragility of life, and for making the most of every day...)
(After a full day of deep conversation with other parents and their children yesterday at our homeschooling co-op, I went home feeling deep respect for the ever-evolving journey of parenting our kiddos— learning from each other and our many individual and collective ways of guiding our children. I continue to be grateful for this interweaving of experience and perspective that helps me strengthen my own path of parenting, and reinforcing the gratitude for my family to be surrounded by such amazing folks, all ages. It is a privilege to have a tribe of peers and elders, as well as a community of family and friends, to share this journey. And it is reassuring that we all have something to offer each other about traversing this unknown road, a happiness and relief present in this simple act of support.)
There are not enough words to express the gratitude I feel for the privilege of that, and for the learning that has come. It is humbling and full of opportunity for growth, this journey of parenting and creating family and personal life. I wish you all peace and safety and a basic sense of goodness in all that you are doing to create the lives you want.
(Heading north this morning for monthly body/energy work, one of the most healing things I do for myself. Although it can feel extravagant, I have come to realize the vital importance of good self-care, and to give myself permission to seek out others for help with things I can not accomplish on my own. Wishing you access and connection to that which brings you healing and restoration today. Happy Saturday!)