This past month has been an eye-opening experience for me as I installed, opened, and am now wrapping up my solo encaustic show, “Beyond”, at the Mill and Max Gallery at the Shambhala Center in Lexington, KY. I have been stretched in my know-how, excited by the anticipation of opening, and quite delighted by the engagement and meaningful interaction with others as they have responded to my work, both in person and online. It feels much longer than a month and I am so grateful for all that has transpired.
Because pictures are worth a thousand words, I am leaving it at this, full of gratitude for my oldest son, Eli, who took all of the photos involving people, allowing me a looking glass into the energy of others as they took in the work and engaged with each other and with me. I am filled with gratitude for friends and family who supported me in the making, installation, attendance, and messages of encouragement and affirmation from near and far! A special thanks to the Shambhala Center for their invitation to show and for their support throughout. I feel incredibly rich and send heartfelt thanks to you all…
(photo credit, Tiffany Combs)
(Photo credit, Karl Lindstrom)
If you would like to watch a video of the show, you can copy and paste the link below to see a tour— enjoy!
If you would like to squeeze in a last-minute visit, you can email Karl Lindstrom (gallery director, at before Feb. 14th, when the show will come down.