“You Bring Light and Love to the World”, (11 x 29 x 3 in ), encaustic mixed media, 2020
Made to honor my brother and his husband for their role in my life and that of many others, this sculpture reflects the vibrance, courage, and tenacity they have shown over the past 27 years as they have worked for fairness and equality for the LGBTQ community, in both their workplace and within their own community. Enlivened by their zest and love for life and adventure, which spreads beyond their own relationship, they have continued to break through barriers that have remained in our society for far too long.
Bart (brother-in-law, left) and Pete (brother, right)…
Throughout the decades spent together, they have committed to speaking up for the rights of others. Dedicating to years of intensive teamwork within a comprehensive task force in their shared workplace, they were directly involved in the procurement of domestic partner benefits for all employees in their business. I have been proud and privileged to witness this sense of courage, responsibility and commitment that has been generously extended to bring justice, compassion and equal rights for many, grateful that my young sons have grown up with these empowered role model uncles in their lives.
(When we were young! This is almost 3 decades, ago, and I was fresh out of social work school!)
They have quietly supported me and taught, by example, the power of acceptance (both self and others) and much, about love. Most recently, my brother-in-law accompanied me on my journey to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota this past January— a selfless offering, to say the least, as he endured 10 days that included major travel snafus and dozens of hours-long appointments (in many different buildings on a 3 mile campus!) during the coldest month of the year, while my beloved spouse and boys stayed home and carried on with lessons, work, and animal care, and my brother tended to work and care for their feline crew, creating a network of support across the miles. I benefited, immensely, from Bart’s upbeat energy and his willingness to keep positive perspective, which helped us, both, transform the many unexpected “adventures” (eventually) into good stories!
When stress gives way to delirious laughter and festive lights, all is well… (can’t recall which airport this was! (d/t zooming to the east coast to fly back, west, totaling 3 flights after direct flight was cancelled while waiting to board plane, extending our trip, there, by 12 hours, haha).
(Bart was (understandably!) proud of the binder he made to hold the ever-changing schedule of appointments, maps, notes, etc)— He helped me navigate so that I could focus on getting through :))..
I could not be more proud of them and grateful for all they have shared with me, beginning way back when I was first out of college and commuted to my hometown/city for work, staying with them during part of every week and sinking into evenings filled with connection, good food, nurturance, and of course, FUN! I could not be more thankful for their place in my life and in the world.
(27 years ago as we took a break from tree-trimming to model tinsel” wigs”, haha…)
This sculpture originated with macro photography of found butterfly and moth wings, some of which generously came from a many-decades-old collection from my oldest nature-loving brother, Greg. I was honored to be able to extend the life of these creatures, many of whome had wings that, sadly, became part of the food cycle for other insects while in storage.
Several were further interpreted with playful and exuberant coloring after they were printed onto textile, layered with wax, carved, cut, and shaped to form before coming together in a cloud of wings— one supporting the next, until they broke out of the bars (and during installation, in which I about lost my mind, haha, not realizing how challenging it would be to get a drill into those odd angles and tight spaces! Being an artist and having the ability to visualize in one’s mind does not always translate to being able to do that thing, in reality!!).
The wooden pieces came from an antique couch that had once been filled with straw and horse hair (and a black and white photograph of a woman sitting on that very couch!), wood long-since dilapidated and weathered from years of rain. I could not bear to burn the interesting fragments, wondering about all the conversations that were had on the cushions that lined the sturdy wooden hand-made frame… so many lives embodied in the items that live in our homes!
Pausing during yard work to create a bit of rustic composition— could not resist! ;)…
Recombining these remnants, whose original purpose was to provide rest and relaxation into space which refused to be complacent or contained, transforming the gaps between the curves and bars into space made sacred by the joining in solidarity for liberation and basic rights— an arena where working for the greater good to create momentum that would release them, all, made their pause in flight, worth the effort. As they make their way to my home state of Indiana to live with Pete and Bart, I hope the vibrant spectrum of freed wings will convey the privilege and gratitude that I feel in being part of their lives, providing further affirmation to fuel them as they continue bringing light and color to our world.

Thank you for sharing along in this piece of my journey… I am holding space for all as we continue to weather this challenging time of quarantine. I hope that you are all finding ways to stay well, connected, and filled with love and light, yourselves.
Last bit of color from Asters that grew on our bottomland… unexpected bright beauty!
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I have a brand new vibrant collection of small works coming out at the end of this month and will announce it via the newsletter, so PLEASE sign up in order to be in on it— I value your engagement and support and don’t want you to miss you— you have all been my first supporters, long before I started the email newsletter— I APPRECIATE YOU!! 🙌 🥰 ✨ Thank you!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
Ooh— sneak peak of the CHANGE collection that will continue to change into form as it is sculpted into shape 😍— sign up for newsletter to be ready for their release! 🙌